Monday, January 5, 2015

January News

Dear Partners and Friends                                                                                                 

As we reflect back on 2014, we are so thankful to God for all He has allowed us to do for Him.  Thankful for the 7 discipleship short term mission trips that we were able to be a part of this year.  Thanking God for the thousands who heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ; for the ministry of Wordless Ministries and the thousands of bracelets given out along with all of the times we were able to share the message of salvation.

Praise God for the many believers on the mission field of Brazil and Vietnam who were encouraged and challenged with the task that each believer has to share their faith with others!  Also Praise God for believers who surrendered to the call to “go” to regions beyond with the Gospel.  And of reports, for example, of one who said he had witnessed more in the 2 months  since his return than he had in his previous 43 years as a believer.                 

Praise God for pastors on the field who were encouraged with our ministry in their midst.  One missionary pastor in Brazil said our week with him was in his estimation an impact that would have taken him 2 years to accomplish.  Another said that for 10 years he had been praying for someone to come to his area, to help instill in his people the passion for outreach as we were able to do. As well as pastors who went with us and came back with a renewed passion for reaching the lost in their own towns.                                                                                              

Praise God with us for the many, many who put their faith in Christ for Salvation.  Please continue to pray for them.                                                                                                                     

Has it been easy?  No, it has been hard.  Has it been worth it?  Yes!! 
 As we look to 2015 we are confident God will once again do a work as we press on in this ministry.  Some day we may go back and be on the field as we were before, but for now, I know we are doing exactly what God wants us to be doing.  I feel we are actually doing and being more of an impact for the kingdom now than ever in our lives.We praise God for our many partners and for God’s provision.   Some of you have asked and we are at 60% of our monthly needed support.  The lacking balance we fill in with Joel and his painting skills for which we are thankful.  But pray more partners would see that this is indeed a mission worthy ministry! 

Would you join us?  Our first Discipleship Short Term Mission Trip this year will be first of April during Easter.


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