Our Goals

Discipleship Short Term Mission Trips—Wordless Ministries

Our Ministry has two main goals:

First:  Impacting those who go and their home church as well as impacting those on the field, the saved and unsaved alike.
Our desire as we teach and prepare the believer for their DSTMT, (Discipleship Short Term Mission Trip), is that they will have a life impacting, life changing experience.   As they have the opportunity to interact with foreign believers and together go out through various means reaching the lost for Christ.  This time on the field is amazing!
The best part of our goal and desire is that upon their return they will do the same thing here in the USA, in their own home town.  One of our team members sent me an email stating that he had witnessed more for Christ upon his return than he had in his previous 43 years as a believer.   One of the pastors who went came back with a renewed vision, renewed passion to reach the ones in his own town more than he had had before and is taking steps to see that happen.  Teaching those who go that missions is not a missionary thing, but a Christian thing as all have a part to do.
Our desire and goal is that the whole church will embrace all aspects of the mission trip and that those who are not going in person will be going in prayer.  Our prayer is that a renewed fire of excitement be ignited in the lives of the local church as they catch a glimpse of missions both foreign and right at home.

Second:   To impact with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, those on the field.  As the  national believers  work side by side with the American mission team.  As they catch a vision for reaching their own who are lost.  We pray that the local pastors will catch this vision to work harder in their own areas. One Brazilian missionary pastor said our week with him was amazing and that we accomplished what would have taken him alone two years to accomplish.  Another pastor said he had prayed for 10 years for someone to come his way to do what God allowed us to do for his church.
During our mission trips we use the Wordless bracelet daily as we make new contacts,  sometimes door to door, or in hospitals, and in schools, also during sporting events.  No matter where we go whether in Brazil, Vietnam or the USA the wordless bracelet is an awesome tool which opens the door for one to share the plan of salvation.  Thousands just this past year of 2014 have heard the Gospel message and many have put their faith and trust in Christ for salvation.  And we always work with local churches so we are encouraged with the follow up that will take place.

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